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Best and High-quality Dental implants in Dubai

Despite the advancements and improvements in the dental field, many people suffer from tooth loss. The reason could be anything, including trauma, gum disease or gingivitis. Well, implants can help you restore your smile after missing one tooth or many. Dental implants are a type of metal frames or posts that are planted or positioned into your jawbones, beneath your gums by a surgical process. They provide support to dental prostheses like the crown, facial prosthesis, bridge, denture etc. and act as a sturdy and rigid anchor for replaced teeth. The titanium in the implant fuses with your jawbone and is a proven effective replacement for the tooth root.

3d guided implant surgery

What are the types of dental implants?

Various types of dental implants in Dubai are available including:

Endosteal Implants :

These types of implants are directly placed in the jawbone. They are the most commonly used type of implant and are usually in the shape of plates, cylinders or small screws.

Subperiosteal Implants:

They are placed under the gum, but on, or above the jawbone. It is typically used for patients who have a shallow jawbone or who are unable to undergo treatment to rebuild it.

How dental implants are performed in Dubai?

At Zee Dent, our experts will plan the procedure after examining your mouth, jaw and face. There are no specific steps in this surgery as the treatment can vary according to individual needs. The procedure generally starts with a development of a customized treatment plan. The plan will address your specific needs.

  • Your damaged tooth is removed and your jawbone is prepared for surgery.
  • The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone.
  • Osseointegration process- In this process, the bone around the implant is allowed to heal. Osseointegration means “combining with the bone”. So, the bone actually grows around the implant, attaches itself directly to the implant, growing all around it and supporting it steadfastly. But this process takes a duration of several months.
  • A small connector post known as an abutment is attached to the dental implant. It is a minor surgery, which can be done with local anaesthesia.
  • Before the artificial tooth can be attached, your gums will heal for one or two weeks after the abutment is placed.
  • A sample of your bite is taken to have a proper analysis of all your teeth, their type and arrangement. This helps the doctor in designing a replacement tooth or a crown that properly blends with all your natural teeth.
  • The colour of your crown is also matched according to your natural teeth.
  • The implant is properly secured with the jawbone to help the replaced teeth feel and function in a manner similar to your natural teeth.

Who are the good candidates for dental implants?

You are a good candidate for dental implants in Dubai if-

  • You want to improve your speech.
  • You are unable to wear dentures.
  • You are not suffering from any ongoing medical or dental conditions that might impede the healing process.
  • You have healthy oral tissues.
  • You have fully developed jawbones.
  • You have one or more missing teeth.
  • You can devote several months to the treatment.
  • You have healthy gums.
  • You are not addicted to tobacco.

Who are the good candidates for dental implants?

You are a good candidate for dental implants in Dubai if-

  • You want to improve your speech.
  • You are unable to wear dentures.
  • You are not suffering from any ongoing medical or dental conditions that might impede the healing process.
  • You have healthy oral tissues.
  • You have fully developed jawbones.
  • You have one or more missing teeth.
  • You can devote several months to the treatment.
  • You have healthy gums.
  • You are not addicted to tobacco.

What are the benefits of Dental Implants?

  • The dental implants in dubai totally look and function much like your real ones. Moreover, they are designed in such a way so that they can fuse with the bone and become permanent.
  • They last for a long period of time, generally up to 10 years with proper care.
  • They help in reducing strain on other teeth by providing support for crowns, bridges, and dentures.
  • Help you eat delicious foods without facing any pain or trouble.
  • No need to remove dental implants every day like in the case of dentures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. What can I expect after Dental Implant?

Most implants are successful and there are rare cases when the bone fails to fuse. In such cases, the implant is removed, the site is cleaned and you can undergo treatment again.

Q.2. What are the risks and complications of Dental Implant?

Like any other surgery, dental implants also include some health risks. These are-

  • Sinus problems
  • Nerve damage
  • Injury to adjacent teeth
  • Infection at the site
  • Bruising of your skin and gums
  • Swelling of your gums and face
Q.3. What is the cost of Dental Implants?

The cost depends on the type of procedure, number of sessions and your condition.

Q.4. What care should be taken after the Dental Implant?

The post-procedure pain and soreness can be treated with the help of pain medications as prescribed by the dentist. Your doctor may ask you to consume soft food while the surgical area heals. As these are similar to real teeth, dental implants require the same care as real teeth, including brushing, flossing, dental check-ups, and using an antibacterial mouthwash, etc. Visit your dentist regularly to ensure the health and proper working of your implants.