General Dental Check-up in Dubai

The most overlooked parts of our body are our teeth and gums. Unfortunately, we don’t pay as much attention as we are supposed to, and this includes neglecting regular dental check-ups. Even a fastidious person will not be able to maintain good oral health without the help of a dentist. Therefore, just like we pay attention to our physical health, dental check-ups are also essential.

A regular dental check-up ensures that your teeth and gums remain healthy. At Zee Dent, our experts will be able to identify any potential threat, such as a cavity, and will be able to prevent future lengthy procedures such as a root canal. If you are someone who is apprehensive, you can take a look at what happens during general dental check-ups to help you out.

general dental check-up


When you visit a dentist, there are usually two parts to your general dental check-up. The first one is normal evaluation and examination, while the second is cleaning or treatment. As you visit your dentist, he will first take a look at your teeth and gums, and then decide on a plan of action for you.

If any cavities or other dental problems are detected, a thorough examination will be conducted to understand the problem and a treatment procedure will be devised. If so, you will have to visit the dentist for a few more sessions. If no abnormalities are found, your teeth will be professionally cleaned and scaled to ensure no deposits or tartar get accumulated in your teeth.

Next, your doctor will also take a look at your gums. As a common man, it is hard to recognise if your gums are healthy. However, talking to your doctor and getting assessed every once in a while can help you avoid a host of gum-related problems.

A special tool is used to check the spaces between teeth and gums because if the gums are healthy, the spaces will not be deep. Otherwise, medications may be provided, such as an ointment or gel to apply on the gums every day.

If your teeth have turned extremely yellow, after the scaling procedure, your doctor might also polish them and any surface stains present will be removed.


The main benefits of visiting a dentist include:

  • It helps prevent any future issue and will aid your dental health
  • It protects your teeth
  • Your doctor will educate you on how to take care of your teeth better
  • If you are suffering from bad breath, it can be treated
  • You will have a beautiful smile!

Who Are the Right Candidates For General Dental Check-Up?

Everyone! In fact, children should also visit dentists by 12 months of age. However, in some cases, it becomes vital such as if :

  • You are suffering from toothache
  • You are having persistent sores
  • You are experiencing tooth sensitivity to either hot or cold
  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Dry mouth
  • Changes in how your mouth or tongue feels

Dental checkups not only aid oral hygiene, but your dentist will also check for lymph nodes, your neck, and your jaw. Therefore, if any abnormalities may be present, your doctor will be able to identify them during general dental check-ups. Make sure you opt for dental checkups twice a year to stay on top of your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. How often should you visit a dentist in Dubai?
It is recommended to visit a dentist at least twice a year. Since dentists also help care for the teeth (such as teeth whitening) and not just treat dental issues, visiting dentists regularly will help maintain dental hygiene.
Q.2. Why is it important to see dentists twice a year?
It is important because:

  • Your dentists may be able to identify any problems that you may not be able to see or feel
  • Your dentists will be able to check for any decay
  • Oral health problems will be detected and resolved
Q.3. How can you prevent dental problems?
Your dentist will offer you a list of things you can do at home to prevent dental problems. This includes:

  • Brushing twice a day
  • Flossing regularly
  • Using mouthwash
  • Brushing your teeth after eating something sweet
Q.4. Will my doctor take an x-ray during a general check-up?
Your doctor will opt for an X-ray only if it is found necessary during your oral examination. For instance, if he identifies any dental disorder or you talk about a symptom that requires further diagnosis.