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Aesthetic Teeth Restoration in Dubai

When you damage your tooth, it can affect your confidence and hide your smile. There are several reasons why a tooth can get damaged. It can be because of an injury, disease, or trauma. Nevertheless, in today’s day and age, there are treatments available that can help combat any dental problem and ensure you never stop smiling, rain or shine.

Now, when it comes to tooth damage, you must opt for aesthetic tooth dental restorations as the regeneration process isn’t extended to the teeth. So, any damage or loss of the teeth means replacing them with a man-made artificial tooth. That being said, the technology has progressed so much that the replaced tooth will look exactly like a normal one and last for more than 20-30 years.

Dental Restorations

Aesthetic tooth dental restorations also corrects tooth size, shape, and proportion to enhance the look and feel of the teeth. So, if you have been slightly self-conscious about your teeth because of the shape or size, you can get it corrected at Zee Dent.

What are the types of tooth restoration?

There are commonly seven types of tooth restoration:

  • Dental Fillings: When a patient experiences a cavity, dental fillings help restore the condition of the tooth.
  • Crowns: A crown is like a cap over the tooth to help it back to its original condition. Crowns are used for weak teeth, cavities, worn teeth, and after a root canal.
  • Implants: As the name suggests, implants are artificial teeth.
  • Bridges: Again, bridges are false teeth that are used to replace any missing teeth.
  • Dentures: They are removable false teeth. Dentures are generally used in the elderly after all their teeth fall out.
  • Veneers: They are a cover for the front of the tooth to cover up any damage.
  • Bonding: This is a procedure that helps correct any discolouration, chipped or cracked tooth.

What’s the procedure for Aesthetic Teeth Restoration in Dubai?

When you visit Zee Dent regarding a tooth concern dental restorations, our experts will assist you with the right treatment. Tooth restoration is suggested to correct any damage or enhance the look of your teeth. For this procedure, you will be given local anaesthesia, which will numb the area to ensure your comfort. Local anaesthesia doesn’t have any lasting effects. The effects will stay for an hour or so after the procedure is concluded, post which you will feel like your normal self.

Your doctor might give you a few instructions that you will have to follow before the procedure, and this can include eating an hour before the procedure as you will not be able to consume anything solid immediately after the treatment. The procedure generally takes anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes for each tooth. Tooth restoration can need a few sessions.

After the procedure too, you will have to follow certain instructions, where you will have to consume only soft, room-temperature foods for the next 24 hours. Warm soup can also be consumed. When it comes to brushing and flossing the tooth, your doctor will provide you with the instructions according to your procedure.

Benefits of Aesthetic Teeth Restoration

  • Enhances the look of the teeth and improves your smile
  • Helps you chew food better
  • Repairs any damage caused to the teeth
  • Helps you speak more clearly

Aesthetic tooth restoration is a safe procedure and helps boost your confidence. If you are suffering from any damage to the tooth or are looking to improve the way it looks, it is important to consult us immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. Are there any complications or risks to dental restorations?

There are no long-term risks associated with a dental restoration. In very rare cases, the patient might experience tooth sensitivity. However, visiting a good dental clinic will waive this complication.

Q.2. Who is the right candidate for this procedure?

The right candidate for aesthetic tooth implantation is someone with good oral health. In children, the children who have gained permanent teeth are the right candidates.

Q.3. What is the recovery time?

After 24 hours, you will get back to normal.

Q.4. How to take care of the teeth after dental restoration?

Make sure you follow all the instructions provided by your doctor. Apart from your teeth, make sure you also clean the gums and the tongue.