
What is Invisalign?

Straighten your teeth without braces

Invisalign is a form of orthodontic treatment for those who are not comfortable wearing traditional braces. All kinds of malocclusion such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite or spacing can be treated. It works for both adults and teens. It involves wearing several aligners that are clear and removable. There aren’t any metal braces and wires in this method. The aligners are made of a specialized material called SmartTrack, which is a patented thermoplastic material only to be used in this treatment. These aligners are clear and almost invisible.


What’s the procedure of Invisalign treatment in Dubai?

In the Invisalign treatment, the first step is to visit the best Orthodontist for invisalign in dubai. They assess the patient’s teeth and determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate for the treatment. If they can go ahead with it, the orthodontist will create a 3D image or Polymer (PVS) impression of the patient’s jaw, and according to this image, they will determine a treatment plan. Once this is done, our team will schedule an appointment with you to show the 3D graphic video presentation of how your teeth will move during the entire treatment and how the final results will look like.

With the help of this plan, several plastic aligners will be created, which will work by applying pressure to the patient’s teeth and shifting them to their desired position gradually. Usually, patients have to switch one set of these clear aligners for a new one, once every 1-2 weeks. Patients need to wear them for at least 22 hours each day.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

There are several benefits of Invisalign in Dubai, as compared to traditional braces, including –

    1. Instead of brackets bonded to the teeth and wired together to straighten the teeth, Invisalign uses removable trays. Hence, people with Invisalign can brush as well as floss their teeth, as usual, to preserve their oral hygiene and wellness. There are no food restrictions such as those when wearing traditional braces.
    2. Invisalign is suitable for teenagers as well as adults.
    3. The trays are created with the help of digital imaging. Hence, Invisalign is a precise treatment for teeth alignment. It is as effective as metal braces and helps correct several dental problems including overcrowding, overbite, gaps and underbite. Also, patients with Invisalign retainers won’t experience sores or ulcers, which may occur with metal braces.
    4. Invisalign retainers are very convenient, since trips to the dentist are fewer and shorter, as compared to when one has metal braces.
    5. You can eat certain items like popcorn or candy, if you have Invisalign aligners treatment, as you can just remove them before eating and wear them again later. This is not possible with traditional braces.
    6. Since Invisalign aligners are clear, anyone can go for the treatment without worrying about how it will look. This can boost one’s confidence as nobody would even notice that they’re wearing retainers.

Who are the right candidates for Invisalign?

Invisalign is better suited for teenagers and adults because certain instructions need to be strictly followed and teenagers and adults can follow them regularly. Younger teenagers and children may be more tempted to remove the aligners, whereas the trays must be worn for 22 hours at a minimum for effective treatment. Severe orthodontic problems may require other appliances along with Invisalign treatment in Dubai.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. When should I have my first orthodontic visit?

You should take your child to an orthodontist in Dubai at the age of 7years, where He/She will evaluate dental and skeletal problems and guide you further from thereon.

Q.2. How do I prepare for my appointment?

There isn’t any specific preparation required for your Invisalign appointment. You need to go for the consultation first, where your treatment plan will be devised. After evaluation, the orthodontist will let you know if you will need to get any other treatments before Invisalign.

Q.3. How long is the Invisalign procedure?

The length of the Invisalign procedure varies with each individual. Generally, it takes around 12 to 18 months. In severe cases, it can be longer.

Q.4. How do I take care of my Invisalign aligners?

It is very important to take good care of your Invisalign aligners. Even though Invisalign aligners are replaced every 1-2 weeks, they need to be cleaned thoroughly. You should rinse the clear aligners every night with water. Then, using a soft-bristled toothbrush, clean the aligners with a liquid soap so that any food particles or debris that might have accumulated can be removed. After brushing, rinse the aligners again and after wiping them dry, store them in a protective case. Make sure that you remove the aligners when you are eating or drinking anything as this can damage the aligners and your treatment may become ineffective. Avoid using hot water to clean them.

Q.5. How much do Invisalign aligners cost in Dubai?

Invisalign braces cost in Dubai varies with each individual. Call us today to know more.

Q.6. Are there any risks?

If you are allergic to plastic, inform your orthodontist. There may be some discomfort to the teeth in the first 3-4 days or breakage of the aligners.