

Crooked teeth and poor jaw growth are quite common in young children. However, it is important to get these issues fixed to avoid further complications in the future. While braces and some other methods are traditionally used to treat these issues. However, Myobrace has recently become quite popular for the treatment of crooked teeth and poor jaw growth.


What Is Myobrace?

Myobrace treatment offered at Zee Dent is basically a pre-orthodontic treatment, which targets the causes of crooked teeth in children. This treatment aids the teeth to grow and develop naturally, so the child does not require braces. Also, it produces the best results when it is performed before children have developed permanent teeth. It straightens the teeth while developing and aligning the jaws, and improving facial development. This is achieved by helping children breathe through their noses, swallow correctly, and keep their lips closed. Other oral exercises are also recommended in addition to this treatment for excellent results. The Myobrace appliance resembles a mouth guard, is removable, and is required to be worn for just a few hours each day, or overnight.

4 Stages Of Myobrace Treatment

Myobrace has four stages that usually take 18 months to show the best results. These stages include:

Habit Correction :

The dentists at Zeedent clinic not only install the Mybrace appliance but also help the patients in correcting their oral habits. Your doctor will teach you various oral habits, such as breathing through the nose and not the mouth, swallowing properly, keeping lips closed, resting tongue in the proper position, and more. These habits will help in jaw development, and would also straighten your teeth.

Dental Alignment :

Myobrace is used in teens for aligning the teeth in a much natural position and giving them a more straightened appearance. While some children might require braces after this treatment, the duration of wearing braces will be much shorter than usual.

Arch Development :

Some patients require upper jaw enlargement, as it provides sufficient space for the teeth and tongue. This treatment also helps in enlarging and developing the jaw.

Retention :

Myobrace does not require a fixed retainer, which serves as an added bonus! These appliances provide enhanced orthodontic results and also helps in improving your overall oral health.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Myobrace?

Myobrace comes with a lot of advantages. Some benefits of this treatment are as follows:

  1. It reduces the need for getting orthodontic work
  2. It helps in improving the development of your face and jaw
  3. It straightens the teeth with a low risk of relapse
  4. It helps in improving the position of your lips and tongue.

The Best Candidates For This Treatment

Patients with any kind of alignment issues in teeth, jaw development problems, and crooked teeth are considered viable candidates for this treatment. Also, patients from all age groups can go for this treatment.

Directions For Wearing Myobrace:

Since Myobrace appliances are removable, one needs to know exactly how to wear them. As such, here’s a step by step on how you can wear Myobraces:

  • Hold the Myobrace with the tongue tag facing up.
  • For the next step, place the appliance inside your mouth
  • Now, keep your tongue put on the tongue tag
  • Close the Myobrace appliance. You will be able to feel it working in order to align your front teeth and jaws.
  • Finally, keep your lips closed and practice breathing only through your nose.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. How do you care for the Myobrace trainers?

These appliances are removable and can be cleaned in between uses. The dental staff at Zee Dent will educate you on the care of Myobraces.

Q.2. Do you have to wear Myobrace for the entire day?

It depends on case to case. At zee dent, our specialist will examine and explain to you the time required for the treatment.

Q.3. Do you need braces after Myobrace?

Braces aren’t needed in most cases. However, they may be required in some during the final stage of treatment for some people.