HomeServicesWisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction in Dubai

Wisdom tooth extraction are the third set of molars that tend to appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Generally, most of us have at least one wisdom tooth that doesn’t have enough room to grow, which means it needs to be extracted because when there isn’t enough room for the teeth to grow, it can affect your inner cheeks and gums.

Wisdom tooth extraction is not a serious procedure and is performed as an outpatient one. If it is impacted and doesn’t have room to grow, it can also cause pain, infect the area, and lead to other dental problems.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What’s the Procedure for Wisdom teeth extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure and will not take more than an hour. Before the procedure, you can talk to your doctor for a list of instructions. For instance, you may be asked to stop a particular medication and will require someone to drive you home if the procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. You will also have to eat an hour or two before your procedure as you won’t be allowed to eat anything solid or warm after your extraction.

During the procedure, you will be given either local or general anaesthesia. While general anaesthesia can put you out of consciousness, local anaesthesia will make the area numb but will keep you fully aware of what is happening. Local anaesthesia will be injected and then in a few seconds, the area will go numb. While you will notice some pressure and movement, you will not feel any pain.

To remove the tooth, your doctor will make a small incision in the gum tissue near the wisdom tooth to expose the entire teeth and its bone. The bone is then removed to ensure your doctor gets access to the tooth root. If necessary, the doctor divides the tooth into sections to make the extraction easier. If the tooth is not tightly packed, it is removed in one go. The site is then cleaned and if required, stitches are placed. Gauze or cotton is used to combat bleeding, which will get better in a few minutes.

After the surgery, your doctor will give you some pain medication that must be taken only if you experience extreme pain. You will also notice some swelling and bruising, which will go down after you ice it. For the next 24 hours, you will only be able to consume liquid cold food. If you are someone who smokes, it is important to sustain from doing so for at least 72 hours.

What are the benefits of Wisdom teeth extraction?

  • You will no longer suffer from any pain due to the wisdom teeth
  • Food won’t get stuck in the
  • wisdom teeth causing tooth decay
  • Infections can be avoided
  • Any damage to the tooth or the
  • surrounding bone can be avoided
  • Avoiding a cyst near the wisdom tooth
  • You will be able to avoid any other complication because of the wisdom tooth

Removing the wisdom tooth extraction is an easy procedure that’s conducted only when it is absolutely necessary. If you feel your wisdom tooth bothering you, visit your dentist today before the condition gets worse.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1. Can I choose not to remove my wisdom tooth?

If the wisdom tooth has no room to grow or is causing any other problems, only then should your wisdom tooth be extracted. If there is sufficient space to grow, removal is unnecessary.

Q.2. How long will the local anaesthesia last?

Generally, it will take about 3-5 hours. Until then, you will feel the area to be numb.

Q.3. Will I experience any pain during the procedure?

No. Wisdom tooth removal is a completely painless procedure because anaesthesia is administered. Even with local anaesthesia, you will not feel any pain, just a small prick from being injected.

Q.4. Will it damage my nerves?

If you are visiting an experienced doctor, you can avoid any risks or complications, such as nerve damage.